A Brief Account Of How I Began Collecting Nikon Cameras

Although I did not start my photographic life with Nikon, it has been my only 35mm SLR system since the late 80's. My first Nikon camera was a F2AS that I still own today. I was a keen astrophotographer back then and F2AS was probably one of the best cameras for that purpose. Once I had used a F2, I was totally blown away by its superior build quality and craftmanship. When my F2 finally retired, it became the first camera in my collection. However, I didn't really start collecting until 1998. At that time, I would collect just about anything with the word Nikon stamped on it, a very common phenomenon for new collectors. I soon realized this way of collecting was not sustainable. I then concentrated my resource on only Nikon reflex system. I am definitely a latecomer to Nikon collecting, but I think I made it up with aggressive searching and buying. It is real fun hunting old cameras around, just like a detective game!




(Special thanks to Mr. Ken Law for kindly lending me his F6 for the above photo illustration)